Thursday 31 January 2019

Remnants of lost South African city discovered

The remnants of a lost city have been found on the outskirts of Johannesburg in South Africa.


Trump administration expected to withdraw United States from INF treaty

The Trump administration is poised to announce Friday that it is withdrawing from a treaty that has been a centerpiece of superpower arms control since the Cold War and whose demise some analysts worry could fuel a new arms race.


King Tut's tomb reopens after nearly a decade-long renovation

The famous tomb of King Tut has reopened after an extensive renovation period of nearly 10 years. Veuer's Justin Kircher has the details.


This company wants to use reentry heating to roast coffee beans

Startup Space Roasters hopes to launch 650 lbs of coffee beans into space and roast them with the heat from re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere.


As U.S. marks Black History Month,Botswana offers a valuable lesson about racial harmony

This southern African nation has a history of racial harmony, along with a thriving democracy and economy. Here's why.


Iguana-sized cousin of the dinosaurs found in Antarctica

But 250 million years ago, Antarctica looked much different and had a bunch of different animals, including this unknown iguana-sized species.


The most romantic city might surprise you

If you want to visit the most romantic city in the world, we have one study's answer. Keri Lumm reports.