Friday 31 May 2019

Hurricane season starts Saturday as forecasters eye developing system in the Gulf of Mexico

The 2019 Atlantic hurricane season officially starts Saturday, and, as if on cue, a storm could be forming in the Gulf of Mexico over the next few days.


Philippines says 'baaaaaaaaa bye' to 1,500 tons of trash as it ships back to Canada

After years-long tension in which Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte threatened 'war,' the Philippines shipped back 1,500 tons of garbage Friday.


Mount Everest's historic climbing season ending after deaths, traffic jams of climbers

Mount Everest blogger Alan Arnette wrote Thursday that one of the last known teams turned around during their summit attempt because of bad weather.


Italy's Mount Etna fractures, spews lava

Mount Etna, the tallest and most active volcano in Europe, has seen an increase in seismic activity.


North Korea executes U.S. nuclear envoy after failed Trump summit: report

Kim Hyok Chol was executed by firing squad in March along with four other foreign ministry officials, South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported.


Thursday 30 May 2019

Italy's Mount Etna erupts, clouding up Sicily's skies

Mount Etna is once more in eruption, due to the opening of two eruptive fractures according to the volcanologists of the Ingv Etna Observatory.


Watch the first solar eclipse ever captured on film!

The first film of a total solar eclipse has been re-discovered, astronomers announced. The eclipse occurred on May 28, 1900, in North Carolina.