Sunday 30 June 2019

A Canadian political cartoonist's drawing of Donald Trump went viral. Two days later, he was fired

A Canadian political cartoonist said he was let go from his freelance contract two days after his cartoon featuring President Donald Trump went viral.


White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham bruised amid scuffle by reporters with North Korean guards

North Korean guards pushed and shoved U.S. reporters on Sunday and Grisham was left with bruises in the exchange, according to The Associated Press.


Limos, vodka and nukes: How a sanctions' sleuth traces North Korea's illicit transactions

Expert say if North Korea's Kim Jong Un can get a limo in spite of sanctions, he also has access to items for his ballistic and nuclear programs.


Saturday 29 June 2019

Donald Trump looks for 'handshake' with Kim Jong Un; may step onto North Korean soil

Donald Trump simply tweeted out an invitation to Kim Jong Un to meet him at the DMZ between North and South Korea.


Report: Cell data points to Russian military intelligence officer as commander of British poisoning plot

An examination of cellphone data points to a high-ranking Russian military intelligence officer as commander of a team that carried out a poisoning.


Friday 28 June 2019

93-year-old woman arrested by UK police to complete her bucket list

You could say she was on the United Kingdom's least wanted list of fugitives.


Italy demolishes remains of Genoa bridge

The remaining towers of the bridge in Genoa that collapsed nearly a year ago killing 43 people were demolished.