Wednesday 31 July 2019

Trump nominee for UN ambassador, Kelly Knight Craft, confirmed over Democrats' objections

Craft came under fire from Democrats for her views on climate change and her ties to the coal industry. Her husband is the CEO a major U.S. coal company.


Osama bin Laden's son, Hamza, heir to al-Qaeda leadership, is dead, US officials say

Hamza was positioned to become the next leader of the militant group responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the U.S.


Trump administration sanctions Iran's foreign minister in escalation of tensions

Zarif is a relatively moderate Iranian politician, and he was the chief negotiator for the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers.


Who is Puerto Rico's next leader? Island braces for a clash

The political crisis in Puerto Rico took a turn on Wednesday. The island nation still isn't sure who will become the next leader.


Heart-racing video shows toddler plummet 6 stories, bystanders catch him with blanket

The scene unfolded Monday in China's Chongqing Municipality and was captured in in gut-wrenching video published by state media CCTV.


500-million-year-old crab fossil to be named after famed ‘Star Wars’ ship

The creature preyed on ocean dwellers long before dinosaurs ever walked the earth. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.


Tuesday 30 July 2019

North Korea fires more projectiles, South Korean officials say, as Trump-Kim talks stall

Wednesday's launches comes days after North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles in what Kim Jong Un's regime said was a “solemn warning” over planned U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises.